Don't be selfish

Gann Angles - a Unique and Effective Tool to Achieve Gains from Trade

Tuesday, 25 June 2013
William Dilbert Gann has developed a technical trading systems enabled him to achieve wealth exceeded fifty million dollars. Gann was a legend in the world of trade and its place shows in life-size portrait of people see when entering the New York Stock Exchange. Gann angles were one of the most effective tools so let's...
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Saturday, 15 June 2013
Hexagon is a form of a polygon which consists of six edges and six vertices. And 720◦ is the total of the internal angles of any hexagon. The hexagon patterns are the most prevalent in the nature due the strong efficiency which they have, if we take on consideration their existence either in bees’ honeycombs or the Giant’s...
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What is Gann Angles?

Thursday, 6 June 2013
It is called Gann Angles after the death of William Delbert Gann who discovered it, and it is considered from one of the best theories in the 20th –century in the stock market. William Gann used the angles theory in his trading and called them The Basis of My Forecasting Method, and it consists from 33 pages as a written...
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